Thursday, March 27, 2008

Geek Gap Presentation Went Great!

Bill and I hade a great time doing a presentation on The Geek Gap for the SAP BPX (Business Process Expert) community. We had role-play of a real-life geek/suit conflict with Bob Mcglynn and Mark Finnern (thanks, guys!), and a couple of people afterward talked to us about doing a Geek Gap presentation at their events own events. We may be back again on the West Coast in the next few months.

For anyone who watched the webcast (you know who you are), thanks for logging on! We'd love to hear your feedback on the topic or the presentation, either here, or if you'd rather email us privately, to

For those of you who didn't watch it live, we hope to have at least a clip of the presentation, and/or part of the video podcast interview we did right after up online soon.

In the meantime, our next public event, for anyone in or around Ulster County, NY, is a talk at the Kingston Barnes & Noble April 16 at 7 pm.

Thanks again to SAP for having us over, and to Jeff for video recording the whole event. Hope to see you in April. And do check out the BPX community, it's a great place for geeks to learn about business, and suits to learn abou technology, and both to learn about each other.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

We're off to Silicon Valley!

California, Here We Come.
On Wed. March 26, 2008, 10am to 11:30amPDT (that's 1pm to 2:30pm EDT for the timezone-challenged), we'll be in Palo Alto, CA as guest speakers for the SAP Salon series. You can join us there for the event at SAP, or join the live stream. Click here to see the invite for the event, get the address, and for the link to log onto the live stream.

Also check out the blog entry on the event by Mark Finnern, Chief Evangelist of the SDN and BPX Communities at SAP.

SAP is one of the few companies who really "get it" about the Geek Gap, and we're really looking forward to getting together with them again. We were in Las Vegas at the SAP TechEd 2007 event last October for a couple days of speaking, and met some amazing people. It was a pleasure to quickly get past the stage of "Yes, folks, the Geek Gap is a real problem!" and insteadfocus on reducing the effects and bridging the gap. The pic above is from a short video SAP has on their site about Community Day, part of the week-long event. If your company works with SAP software at all, I'd highly recommend planning to attend TechEd 2008 in either Las Vegas, Berlin, Bangalore, or Shanghai. Amazing event!

This trip, we'll be focusing on how best to get the two cultures to communicate better and get back to work. Do come or log on if you can, we plan on having a fun time.